Breastmilk and Breastfeeding (3)
The Causal Factors of Insufficient Supply of ASI to Baby(s)
The Breastfeeding Factors:
* Delay to start the breastfeeding immediately after the birth.
* Wrong method when attach the baby’s lip to the breast.
* Giving manufactured milk (in bottle) or any additional baby’s food.
There is a wrong public’s perception that the formulated milk has more nutrient than the ASI, so that the mother should give their baby formulated milk. As a matter of fact, ASI has more nutrients and has no side-effect to the baby, unlike the formulated milk. However, formulated milk is useful in the early days after the birth when the mother faces difficulties in producing ASI.
* Irregular breastfeed schedule. It is important to breastfeed your baby at
least five or six times a day.
* The mother did not breastfeed during the night. These could decrease the
prolactin and the ASI’s production.
* The briefer period of breastfeed when the mother is busy.
* Environmental or conditional climate, such as heat would caused the baby to
feels uncomfortable, then they lose desire to obtain the milk.
* Giving pacifier to the baby.
The Mother Factors:
* The lack of confidence that they (the mother) could produce sufficient ASI.
* Psychological factors, such as; stress, tense, anxiousness, etc.
* The disturbance in milk’s excretion which causes the breast to swollen. Later
on, it will lead to infection.
* The mother had to work right after the birth, so that they are unable to gives
the baby sufficient breastmilk.
* The mother refuses to breastfeed.
* The rejection from the baby, due to the mother’s failure in approaching
herself to the baby.
* Physiological factors, such as; bad health condition, exhaustion, and
* Not enough support from family’s member.
* Insufficient of privacy or unavailability of suitable room to breastfeed the
For some mothers, breastfeeding in public places can be very shameful.
Therefore, they choose to gives formulated milk than ASI to their baby, which
is a wrong choice.
* Consuming oral contraception which contains estrogen.
* Consuming drugs that could decreases the ASI’s production, such as diuretic
drugs. Diuretic drugs are type of medicine that increases the amount of the
* The recent pregnancy is only a year after the previous birth.
* The mother suffers an acute nutrient inadequacy.
* The mother consumes alcohol or smoke cigarette.
* Unhealthy breast development.
There exists a public opinion which says that breastfeeding would worsen the breast’s shape. The breast would eventually turn flabby or not trim after the breastfeeding. This opinion is substantively wrong. Based on the research, breastfeeding is actually preventing the mother from suffers breast cancer and also helps mother to lose the weight after the birth.
to becontinued................
Gupte, Suraj. 1983 Speaking of: Child Care Everything you wanted to know, First Edition, by Sterling Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi India.
Ramaiah, Savitri. 2005 Infant Nutrition, Sterling Publisher, New Delhi India.
Sunartyo, Nano. August 2006, Panduan Merawat Bayi & Balita Agar Tumbuh Sehat dan Cerdas, DIVA Press, Yogyakarta Indonesia.
Yulianti, Dewi. 1 August 2004,,
Sears, William, & Sears, Martha. 2003, The Baby Book, Everything You Need To Know About Your Baby From Birth to Age Two, Second Edition by Little, Brown and Company, New
Kamis, 28 Januari 2010
Breastmilk and Breastfeeding (3)
Posted by InfoAboutBabyKids at 00.24
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