Minggu, 08 Maret 2009


Breast Milk and Breast Feeding (2)

Problem: Sufficiency of Breast Milk And Lack of Breast Milk Supply

Important to remember that most of mothers can produce breast milk for their baby if You let baby suck breast effectively and breast feeding your baby as often as possible. How much breast milk can be produced is depend on how big your baby requirement. Even when you feel " weak" and do not stay in best health condition, breast milk quality will remain to be compatible for baby.
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If your baby get enough breast milk will be marked by:
1. Baby fallen asleep by during 2 till 4 hours after drinking breast milk
2. Baby’s weight increase in mean
3. Urinate at least six until eight times one day
4. Your breasts will be felt full before breast feeding and after that felt to decrease, and also be
happened by infiltration in interval of two breast-feeding time.
5. Style suck baby hotly, hearing that he swallow, feeling there is reflects steam of your breast
milk, and witness that your baby fallen asleep

Ever once in a while when baby do not get enough breast milk, this matter generally be happened by baby’s juxtaposition is not true and so that baby cannot suck efficiently, or insufficient suction. Breast Feeding Position and the imprecise baby’s suction, trouble in relation of among mother and baby, tired mother, or breast-feeding which the schedule. Very rare, possible there is trouble hormonal, which can pursue full breast development and / or produce and stream of breast milk.

Insufficient breast milk production possible if your breast is not being big during pregnancy, you do not release colostrums, or breast milk after birth and you cannot release breast milk in manually.

Important signs that your baby does not get enough breast milk:

1. Increasing Ugly weight
- Weight of Lower baby body from body weight born when he/she is 2 weeks old
- Increasing weight less than 500 gram during first-sixth month old.
2. Baby’s urine is a few and old rust colored. If Your baby urinate less than 6 x one day, or
baby’s urine is chromatic buff with acridity
3. Do not satisfy after breast-feeding
4. Often weep
5. Wish milk with grace period less than two hours
6. Longer milk from generally
7. Do not want to milk
8. Feaces run dry, ossify and the green chromatic

Some Reasons lack of breast milk supply for baby

Breast Feeding Factor
• Do not immediately start to breast feeding after birth
• Wrong juxtaposition from baby’s lip to breast
• Giving bottle milk or other side dish.
Sometimes breast milk difficult to go out at early birth, so that
midwife will give formula milk through bottle and dot
There is Wrong opinion in society that mother proud if her baby will
drink a lot of formula milk and assume formula milk is more
nutritious than breast milk. Of course this things needn't be
continued after we comprehend how height assess breast milk nutrition
• Not breast feeding regularly. You need to breast feeding at least
five or six times one day.
• Do not breast feeding in the nights. This matter lessens expenditure
prolactin and produce breast milk as a result
• Breast feeding briefer when you are busy
• Baby might not milk during time required by if baby feel not balmy,
for example feeling heat
• Giving baby bottle, empeng or dot to baby, bottle-feeding
• Breast milk go out a few, so that baby less satisfy to drink mother's milk

Mother factor
• Lack of self confidence that mother can produce enough breast milk
• Worry, stress, tense, whatever is her reason
• Expenditure breast milk which less be fluent, and the bloated breast as a result, what most
causing to feel pain and infection
• Mother having to return to work after birth, so that cannot give breast milk to baby in
an optimal.
• Not ready to breast feeding, anything is her reason
• Baby deduction if You not yet drawn near yourself better to it
• Ugly health, Lethargy, and tired
• Lack of time or Support from family member.
• Lack of privacy or calm place and calm to breast-feeding baby.
Feel ashamed to breast feeding baby in the general place, often make mother bring formula
milk for her baby
General places such as supermarket or mall not yet provided special place to all mother to
breast feeding baby, so that mother have difficulty wish to breast feeding her baby
• Drink oral contraception containing estrogen
• Take medicine lessening breast milk production such as medicines containing diuretic
(medicines improving to urinate)
• Next pregnancy during one year after previous birth
• Hard insuffiency nutrition
• Consume alcohol
• Smoking
• Ugly breast growth
• Wrong ascription existence that by breast feeding will make to form downhill breast or loosen.
Way of breast feeding real correct will not make breast loosen or become to descend her
position. Oppositely; Also by breast feeding, mother risk attacked by a smaller breast cancer
than mother which do not breast feeding.

Baby Condition

• Infection anything, such as infection of urethra or handicapped born such as heart disparity,
and others
• Disability suck better since internal issue of system of nerve and also down syndrome

Tips to overcome Lactation Failure

If breast milk production is too a few/little so that lactation failure is happened, to overcome it by the following :
1. Improve breast-feeding frequency. Let baby breast feeding at least five minutes of each;
every two or three hours once at each breast, though only there are a few/little breast milk.
2. Effort remain to be patient breast feeding your baby. Even rather pussy, carry on the back,
enfold, and sing a song to baby at the same time draw near nipple to baby’s mouth
3. Mother need inculcate to feel self-confidence that lactation will succeed
4. Find of Failure cause breast feeding, such as feeling fear, tired, wrong information, or use of
inappropriate appliance contraseption such as pill which a lot of containing estrogen
5. Be really eat nutritious food with portion twice from generally when shall no longer breast
feeding, a lot of drinking the white water, fresh vegetable and fruit
6. Massage your breasts regulerly, sprinkle with water heat and change into chilled, traditional
ingredient use which can stimulate and increase breast milk production is very suggested
(such as eat daun katuk/Sauropus Androgynous, Daun Alfafa/Liquid Chlorophyl, herbal tea
with fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) , kurma/sari kurma,etc).
7. A lot of resting, sleep when Your baby sleep in order to sum up breast milk earn to increase
8. If Mother having to return to work after birth, so that cannot give breast milk in an optimal to
baby. This matter should not need to be happened, since mother earns to extort breast milk
and kept in cooler cupboard, which can be passed to baby in warm water. At work even also
the mother earn to extort breast milk, to be given hereinafter.
9. Avoiding stress, and keep in good health. Afford to relax during lactation.
10.Learning the breast-feeding technique truly and then practice it.
11.Thinking of baby, thinking of breast milk
Moment You breast feeding, regnum and embrace your baby tautly in order to a lot of husk
contact. This Mother behaviors like this can stimulate produce breast milk hormone.


Gupte, Suraj. 1983 Speaking of: Child Care Everything you wanted to know, First Edition, by Sterling Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi India.

Ramaiah, Savitri. 2005 Infant Nutrition, Sterling Publisher, New Delhi India.

Sunartyo, Nano. August 2006, Panduan Merawat Bayi & Balita Agar Tumbuh Sehat dan Cerdas, DIVA Press, Yogyakarta Indonesia.

Yulianti, Dewi. 1 August 2004, http://www.balipost.co.id/balipostcetak/2004/8/1/ink1.html,

Sears, William, & Sears, Martha. 2003, The Baby Book, Everything You Need To Know About Your Baby From Birth to Age Two, Second Edition by Little, Brown and Company, New York.www.AskDrSears.com

KEYWORDS : Baby Feeding, Breast Milk, Breastfeeding, Breast Feeding, Baby, Lactation, Nutrition, Pregnancy, Mothers, formula milk, milk production, baby bottle, Bottle-Feeding, breasts, mother's milk


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